Proven track record handling significant jury trials.
Over 20 years experience handling major civil litigation.
Extensive experience handling Maritime injury and damage cases.
Extensive experience handling complex industrial injury cases.
Extensive experience in Oil and Gas. Served in several capacities within the oil, gas and drilling industry, including landman, roughneck, motorman, derrick man, and relief drilling.
Extensive experience handling Aviation cases. Instrument rated commercial pilot who has flown professionally.
Mass tort Litigator. Managed multiple dockets of pharmaceutical claims.
Industrial tort litigator. Managed dockets of mesothelioma and benzene cancer cases. Numerous individual refinery and worksite injury matters.
Admitted to practice in courts in Texas, The US Supreme Court, US Court of Appeals of the Fifth Circuit, and the Federal District Courts for the Northern, Southern and Eastern and Western Districts of Texas
B.B.A., University of Texas at Austin
J.D., University of Houston
At University of Houston:
Editor, Recent Developments and Book Review, Houston Journal of Internation Law
Author, Houston Journal of International Law: "Sidestepping Foreign Bank Secrecy Laws," 10 Hou. J. Intl. L. 57, 1987
Board Certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization
Board Certification is a voluntary designation program for attorneys and paralegals. Initial certification is valid for a period of five years. To remain certified, an attorney and paralegal must apply for recertification every five years and meet substantial involvement, peer review and continuing legal education requirements for the specialty area.
General requirements for Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law:
All Personal Injury Trial Law Board Certified attorneys must have:
Been licensed to practice law for at least 5 years
Practiced personal injury trial law for at least 3 years
Devoted a minimum of 25% of their law practice to personal injury trial law
Handled a wide variety of personal injury trial law matters to demonstrate experience and involvement.
Attended personal injury trial law continuing legal education seminars regularly to keep their legal training up to date
Been evaluated by fellow lawyers and judges
Passed a 6- hour written examination
Extensive experience handling catastrophic injury cases, business and civil litigation matters; probate , guardianship, wills and trusts
Admitted to Texas State Bar, 1989
Admitted to practice in all courts in Texas, US Court of Appeals of the Fifth Circuit, and the Federal District Courts for the Northern, Southern and Eastern and Western Districts of Texas
Earned B.A. degree, English and Political Science, Rice University, Houston, Texas 1985
Earned JD from University of Houston, 1988
At University of Houston: Editor in Chief, Houston Journal of International Law
Member: State Bar of Texas